My Chol Tolcher

On my way up to ASU I won tickets to an Edwin McCain concert at the Rialto. I was surrounded by people who were 35 and older. I’ve never even heard of Edwin McCain. Who the heck is he? In spite of this, I found myself at one of the best concerts of my life.
The first act of the show was the most impressive, you may have heard of him: Michael Tolcher! He is the singer/songwriter who wrote such great hits as Mission Responsible and I Am, he also did an amazing acoustic impromptu performance of “Ridin’ Dirty”. He says while some study law, others medicine, he studies gangsta rap and tries to convert it from its dirty barbaric form to something we all can understand.
Here is what I picked up:
“I am going to shoot you… My grill costs more than your house… Girls with big butts love me… Trying to catch me Riding Dirty”
Tolcher is an absolute artist with an amazing stage presence. He can lay down some mad rhymes as well as belt them out well too. All in all, he ran away with the show.
Following him was a young southern gal named Robinella. Robinella has the pipes of Nora Jones, and she has an ability to adapt to several types of music. She sang country, cover songs, acoustic Hawaiian, everything. She has the cutest Georgian accent, I love her, too bad she’s married with a kid. Still, her music is amazing. I was most impressed at how down to earth she actually is. Tolcher seemed like an approachable guy, but Robinella was just so innocent looking. If Dido can write songs that my heart would, Robinella would be the voice of those songs (Scrubs reference alert!).
Then the main event took stage: Edwin McCain. McCain was the kind of performer that everyone knows the words to his songs without actually knowing of who he really is. I think Alexander called him a hippie with the talent of Johnny Reznik. He sang such great hits as “I’ll be your Crying shoulder” “Grimmecy Park Hotel” and some other songs I can’t quite remember. Don’t get me wrong, he is good, but he left me wanting more. I’ve posted tons of videos, but if you notice, they are all of Edwin McCain, why you may ask? I really wasn’t too wooed by his performance and was looking for a distraction. I didn’t even get his autograph. I was disappointed in him, headliner my ass.
What let me down about Tolcher was his off the stage demeanor. In general a lot of performers look tired and frazzled right after the performance, but what frustrates me is when they seem like they are in a bad mood. Dude, you are one of the few people in this world that actually wake up in the morning to do what you love, you should be happy. While most people have their 9-5er jobs you get to live the life, see the world, wake up and know you make a difference! Why do they all look so glum? I know it’s tiring, but it isn’t depressing, if it is, then maybe it isn’t the job for you. I dunno, maybe I hold to high of a standard for these people. It was a night that will not be forgotten.
Sylvia is a whore.
More to come,
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