You've gone too far

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Long Walk

This is just a heads up to anyone who wants to walk with me on October 8th, 2006 in the Tucson division of the AIDS Walk. Anyone interested can meet up with me at the U of A Mall. I currently have a fundraising site up, so anyone interested can sign in and donate. Even if you can't donate, it's always a fun event. E-Mail me if you're interested: To donate check out:

Thank You all.

Also check out later editions of The Alan Show for more details, and for general fun too. For more information contact me or check out

Saturday, July 29, 2006

My Cause

I am in pain. Giving blood was not easy. Everyone who is reading this now, i urge you to go out and give blood. Anyone who knows me, knows i fear needles and bugs. I mustered up the courage and donated blood. I would also like to take the time and raise awareness about AID's. I am really big on AID's Walk in October. Every little bit helps! I will post my donation site soon. Love, The Alan Show.

My Blood Drive

I am bored as hell donating blood at the red cross. On the upside the receptionist is smoking hot. aMizzle

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Hit Counter

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Test Blog

This should work?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

His Story

Origninally written by Griffin's Basketball Live's own Alexander. These thoughts, views, and interests do not necessarily reflect those of Alan Moghaddam himself.

My name's Alexander. I'm better known to you as the nerdy Ethernet cable-wearing gent who insists on sporting Best Buy gear even though he has NOTHING to do with the corporation. I’m your average nerd who constantly gets excited about new technologies and would rather spend time on his computer than with a girl.
Occasionally, I will have an "obsessive stint" with something or, more commonly, someone. It started with Britney Spears back in middle school. I was her BIGGEST (obsessed) fan. Britney consumed more than 50% of each day for more than three years. Sadly, I had to let go of that as she decided to follow in the footsteps of this blog’s own Sylvia – read any past post.
Being a creature of habit, I felt like there was a huge hole in my life that had to be filled so I began to grasp onto the lives of any attractive female that illuminated the pixels of my, then, standard-definition television.
Angelina Jolie.
Anne Hathaway.
Reese Witherspoon.
Hmm, who else..? Oh yeah, I even had a Naomi Watts and Ana Maria Orozco stretch somewhere in there.
Along came Harry Potter. I read the books and hated them. I refused to see the first two movies until I went to see some movie in late April of 2004 which included the teaser for Prisoner of Azkaban – I was hooked. Weeks before the movie came out; I started doing research on the film(s), its back-stories and, most importantly, its stars. The premiere (and the following 9 trips to the theater in two weeks) are a blur. All I can remember is that I COULD NOT BREAK the strong nuclear bond between me and the forums. After just two months of being member number 2041, my post-total amounted to more than twice my position in line. My obsession grew greater and greater as time passed; I found myself waking up each morning and going straight to the computer to see how people had responded to my posts overnight – then posted to their responses…all before I had my morning urination.
Things were going rather smoothly except for the fact that I constantly had to fight off the “dude, you’re 4 years older than she is!” criticism.
I bought an Xbox. Halo 2 is the most fun and fulfilling game in the history of gaming. Alan (of The Alan Show) and I played a cumulative 31 days and 11 hours of Halo 2 over the course of 3 months amounting to just over 33% of our summer. School finally started up again in August and all I could think was “Master Chief”. Occasionally I’d receive an e-mail from a forum member asking where I was; I’d respond with an apt “Emma who?”
After Halo broke my obsession with the lovely 16-year-old British starlet, I found myself drifting through the hot-girl-digital-world without anywhere to go. If things ever got really confusing, I’d fall back (figuratively) on my number one gal, Princess Peach.
This brings me to a couple months ago…
I’m living my life rather solidly. School is great and so is my job with UA Basketball – I do video work.
One time, Alan (of The Alan Show) came over to my house on a weekend. We’d just finished up a steadfast 6 hours of Halo 2 and decided that, before calling it a night, we should watch some TV. X-Play, with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, was on – channel 41. We were watching their usual sarcastic and rough-edged reviews of the latest and unheard-of video game titles when I shifted and changed the channel on the TV to GSN – channel 40. On the screen was the most beautiful girl I’d seen in “a dog’s age”; whatever that means.
Her name: Melissa Peachey. She’s one of two hosts (Shandi Finnessey is the other) of the play-from-home game show, PlayMania. It took no time at all to realize I’d soon be seeing a lot of GSN. Alan (of The Alan Show) and I played along with the remainder of the show only to find out…IT’S VOID IN ARIZONA!!!
So what? I’m going to watch anyway. It started at 1:00 AM and, as I was recently told, I’m like an old person. I listen to old-people music, I stay indoors all the time and I go to sleep really early because I’m incapable of staying awake after midnight.
Three VHS tapes (whatever those are) were introduced into my room: one for Thursday’s show, one for Friday’s show and one for Saturday’s. I’d spend the next day watching the game show in its two-hour entirety.
This is rapidly getting boring so I’ll fast forward to two days ago…
I launched a website that’s dedicated to the show, even though I’m not allowed to play. It…is…booming. Within it’s first 15 hours it had a visitor from the studio.
What’s the point to all this rambling..? Go to to see my latest obsession: PlayMania.

My Chol Tolcher

On my way up to ASU I won tickets to an Edwin McCain concert at the Rialto. I was surrounded by people who were 35 and older. I’ve never even heard of Edwin McCain. Who the heck is he? In spite of this, I found myself at one of the best concerts of my life.

The first act of the show was the most impressive, you may have heard of him: Michael Tolcher! He is the singer/songwriter who wrote such great hits as Mission Responsible and I Am, he also did an amazing acoustic impromptu performance of “Ridin’ Dirty”. He says while some study law, others medicine, he studies gangsta rap and tries to convert it from its dirty barbaric form to something we all can understand.
Here is what I picked up:
“I am going to shoot you… My grill costs more than your house… Girls with big butts love me… Trying to catch me Riding Dirty”

Tolcher is an absolute artist with an amazing stage presence. He can lay down some mad rhymes as well as belt them out well too. All in all, he ran away with the show.

Following him was a young southern gal named Robinella. Robinella has the pipes of Nora Jones, and she has an ability to adapt to several types of music. She sang country, cover songs, acoustic Hawaiian, everything. She has the cutest Georgian accent, I love her, too bad she’s married with a kid. Still, her music is amazing. I was most impressed at how down to earth she actually is. Tolcher seemed like an approachable guy, but Robinella was just so innocent looking. If Dido can write songs that my heart would, Robinella would be the voice of those songs (Scrubs reference alert!).

Then the main event took stage: Edwin McCain. McCain was the kind of performer that everyone knows the words to his songs without actually knowing of who he really is. I think Alexander called him a hippie with the talent of Johnny Reznik. He sang such great hits as “I’ll be your Crying shoulder” “Grimmecy Park Hotel” and some other songs I can’t quite remember. Don’t get me wrong, he is good, but he left me wanting more. I’ve posted tons of videos, but if you notice, they are all of Edwin McCain, why you may ask? I really wasn’t too wooed by his performance and was looking for a distraction. I didn’t even get his autograph. I was disappointed in him, headliner my ass.

What let me down about Tolcher was his off the stage demeanor. In general a lot of performers look tired and frazzled right after the performance, but what frustrates me is when they seem like they are in a bad mood. Dude, you are one of the few people in this world that actually wake up in the morning to do what you love, you should be happy. While most people have their 9-5er jobs you get to live the life, see the world, wake up and know you make a difference! Why do they all look so glum? I know it’s tiring, but it isn’t depressing, if it is, then maybe it isn’t the job for you. I dunno, maybe I hold to high of a standard for these people. It was a night that will not be forgotten.
Sylvia is a whore.
More to come,

My New Game

I am completely addicted. It’s been almost one week and a half, and I am addicted.

What game you may ask? Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). I am not good at it whatsoever, and yet I find myself drawn to its lights and loud music. Currently I have “Speed Over Beethoven” in my head. As I type, the dance steps emerge on the ground. My family is annoyed, my cat is bewildered, and I am addicted.

The Good: Most, not all, but most of the people who do in fact DDR (it is a verb too) are in shape. There are exceptions to this rule. Once and while there will be a fat person who just comes on the pad and smokes everyone around him/her. The sad thing is it’s never a slightly overweight individual, it’s always someone who looks so fat that they only move their bodies for when its meal time. I don’t get it. It’s like a black hole, or the universe has reached a nexus at that DDR machine. Physicists around the world stare on in wonderment. How can these rubenesque rumblers move so swiftly and softly? Watching them dance is like watching a baby calve stand for the first time. A figure emerges, fighting the through flaps of fat and wiggles and frays left and right and up and down. It’s rather endearing in a disgusting sort of way.

The Bad: Beyond the aforementioned athletes, there is a stigma in being labeled a DDR Freak. There are repercussions. Today, whilst Alexander and I were watching a fellow DDR’er (and now it’s an agentive) light up the dance floor, two scary black guys came up on the dance pad trying to replicate DDR moves. Whoever told them that they had a chance in hell at this game was sadly mistaken. They didn’t even get one move off the ground. Better yet, they didn’t even pay for the game, they bullied the kid who was dancing (quite well too) right off the pad. Did they pay him back? Nope. They didn’t even apologize. See, when engaged in Public Displays of Nerdiness, or PDN for short, you leave yourself quite open to criticism. Even the most suave and sophisticated characters (such as myself) look rather nerdy whilst DDRing (now it has a gerund form). I also find conflict in the notion of PDN.
PDN is a very serious issue with me. I have trouble accepting it at any form, for instance: when Alexander wears the Geek Squad shirt I gave him. Spoiler Alert! Alexander has never worked for BestBuy and/or Geek Squad (Shocker!), Alexander would never break down into letting them do their services on one of his machines, so the only possibly reason for him to wear the shirt is for PDN. Another example is when Alexander tries to leave the house wearing Ethernet cable as a makeshift belt. I’ve caught him doing this numerous amounts of times. Side note: if you don’t know what Ethernet Cable is, you are half way there in ridding the world of the cancer that is PDN. All in all there is a lot to lose to this dieing fad, and I fear what may come of it.

Conclusion: whilst there is a massive amount of PDN involved in DDR, SSL, QRP, NPR, IBM, FTP, HTTP, and so forth… DDR is still massively fun. Take this guy right here:

He is sick, he’s not even looking at the dance pad. That is whack yo. Fo’ shizzle.
Of course, I know I never will be that good, for the moment DDR is my new game.
Sylvia is whore.

My First Phone Post!

I found a way to post blogs via phone! This is the first run! Tell me what you think. Since i cannot do a full blog from my phone i am gonna give you a preview of things to come. My New Game and My Chol Tolcher are the titles of my blogs. One is about PDN (Public Displays of Nerdiness) and the other is about the concert i went to. AmO

Monday, July 17, 2006

My ASU Adventure

Sorry the videos are upside down, I am to lazy to fix 'um.

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I leave all that I love to journey to a far away land. Luckily the Griss isn’t to worried, he’s addicted to Law and Order you know!

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Pichacho Peak

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Driving is boring at times.

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Assorted items in the car, why is there a pair of boxers here?

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Digital stills fun.

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Greatest Italian Fast Food Ever!

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A Scene from Superman, awesome movie by the way.

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Some damn good coffee, much needed too.

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I love the ASU campus.

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What is this? A tree? We don’t have those in Tucson.

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What the heck?

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Props Jeff, mad props.

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Do I yield around the tree?

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This place was soooo awesome, it is like the ILC, but like 500x better.

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Where am I?

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They have one too?

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Shumway, eat fresh.

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This my shit.

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There was a hot girl in front of me, my stupid phone was focused on the car.

Here is what I learned:
ASU kicks ass. I am so excited about it all. This will be fun.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Friend's Mistake

My Friend: A friend who will remain nameless has given me a lot to think about, and so i shall respond to his pain. For all intents and purpouses lets call my friend Kyle. See, Kyle and this chick had been dating for almost 3 months. Kyle lost his virginity to this girl and he really felt like he started to love her. She and he seemed almost inseperable. One day, amongst the normal fighting, the two decided to take a break from their relationship. In what seemed like no time, Kyle's lady started to find other venues of attraction. What she did and didn't do is pretty sketchy, thats not the point. See, my friend really never gave her the chance to open up about it, he never gave her a possible option of defense, he cast her aside. This is all good and well but now, all he really concentrates on is the fact that she hurt him. The way I see it, from my whole afair with Isabel, we all see and do what we want. Duhh, I know, lemme explain.

The dilemma: Kyle, dude, I know you care about her, but you didn't want to be with her, if you did, it wouldn't matter if she cheated on you, she could be having his baby and you'd still be with her. If you truly wanted to be with her, you would be, you would have let her defend herself, hell you might've even tried to defend her yourself, most of all you would have forgiven her. When I was with Isabel, I put up with a lot lies and deciet. Why? It's not in my principles to trust a liar, or forgive someone for infedility, but for a want strong enough, values and principles can and will be compromised. See this is the good and evil of the human condition. We can completely defy our teachings and principles for a want great enough. The good of that is that any task, big or small, is completely possible. The bad is that we can so easily lose our way, become what we are not. Kyle, I commend you on doing something that took me almost a year and half to do, cast aside a person that has done so much to you. At the same token, I condemn you for not truly seeing how you feel.

My Friend's mistake: You don't love her, in fact, she never even hurt you. She can't! To her, you're untouchable. Why? Because you don't really care about her. If you did, you wouldn't be lecturing her, blogging how you feel about her, annoying her, you'd be running after her. See, after all is said and done, we are a lot alike. You and I both wanted to be in love with a girl that has hurt us, but ultimately, we never were. I find solice in the fact that I realize i never really cared, I wanted to be in love so greatly I even led myself to believe I was just to pacify that want. "Convince yourself that everything is alright
'Cos it already is"--Pete Yorn. Maybe I'm wrong. As the stupid saying goes, "she's your ex for a reason". What I am getting at is that you are fine, this will all seem like a bad dream, and the rest of your life will pick back up. Trust me, it'll all go back to the way it was, because nothing really has changed. I've always felt like life isn't the experiences we go through, or the memories we share. Change only occures within. You may move, you may change your hair, but ultimately, how you react is who you are. This can only change from within.

You've gone too far